Sunday 2 July 2017

Learn Grant Light-Green - 1964 [1995] Solid

Solid is an album yesteryear American jazz guitarist Grant Green featuring performances recorded inwards 1964 but non released on the Blue Note label until 1979.

Solid is a companion slice to the Grant Green classic Matador, recorded virtually a calendar month afterward amongst the same beat section, too likewise non issued until 1979. Green is in 1 lawsuit once to a greater extent than accompanied yesteryear the Coltrane supporting squad of pianist McCoy Tyner too drummer Elvin Jones, summation bassist Bob Cranshaw; this time, however, Green is likewise joined on the front end delineate yesteryear James Spaulding on alto sax too Joe Henderson on tenor. Both saxophonists actually look to lite a privy nether the proceedings, for inwards comparing amongst the relatively subdued Matador, Solid is a bright, hard-charging affair.

There's a piffling modal jazz, but Solid's repertoire is chiefly complex difficult bop, amount of challenging twists too turns that the players privy through amongst enthusiasm. Green didn't tackle this sort of cloth -- or play amongst this sort of grouping -- really often, too it's a process to listen him practise too so on both counts. The compositions -- highlighted yesteryear Duke Pearson's "Minor League," Henderson's "The Kicker," too a storming, ten-minute exploration of George Russell's "Ezz-Thetic" -- provoke roughly intricate improvisations from Green, too his perfectly controlled soloing is an interesting contrast amongst the passionate Spaulding too Henderson. Tyner too Jones are in 1 lawsuit once to a greater extent than telepathic inwards their support, elevating the whole parcel to 1 of Green's strongest jazz outings too a unique standout inwards his catalog. [Oddity: the CD bonus runway "Wives too Lovers" seems to hold upwardly the same 1 included on Matador, where it was a improve fit.]

Grant Green's burning single-note lines out-swung most horn players. In the 1960s, Grant Green was the Blue Note guitarist. He could jam soulfully amongst organ combos, play bebop amongst the best, too dig into the most adventurous jazz on Blue Note land sounding perfectly at home. Solid, a memorable jewel from 1964, remarkably went unreleased yesteryear Blue Note for fifteen years because at that spot were too so many other Grant Green recordings at the time.

Green is part of a shockingly brilliant sextet (Joe Henderson, James Spaulding, McCoy Tyner, Bob Cranshaw too Elvin Jones) performing music worthy of their talents including George Russell's "Ezz-Thetic" too Henderson's "The Kicker." The playing is amount of surprises, the beat department displays telepathic interplay, too Grant Green shows inwards every soulful authorities annotation that he was a guitar giant.

The alternative Minor League is a classic Blue Note composition, amongst instant recognition of the Blue Note sound. “The caput gives off that actually hip, quartal harmony that actually rose to prominence inwards the 60’s. “The potent brass presence likewise eliminates whatever lingering work it mightiness hold upwardly simply a guitar album. Joe Henderson!

Green has a soul-jazz feeling on Solid, soft warm tone inwards unison amongst the brass, at times sounding to a greater extent than Hammond B3 than guitar, fluid  linear melodic exploration of the compositions. He has an odd pairing of horns – Joe Henderson’s gruff tenor amongst James Spaulding’s brilliant alto. Henderson has a hard, fractious tone, his athletic figures roofing the entire register of the tenor, land Spaulding does a credible project simply belongings his own.

Tyner contributes characteristically elegant sweeping forms, left paw chopping accents against the correct hand’s fluid exploration of the upper keys.  Elvin Jones to a greater extent than than hints at the ability below, punishing the ride cymbal to score time. (Jones is a mixed approbation on Green albums. Here he is good controlled, but on Matador – Bedouin, he treats us to a long too out-of-place drum solo – the type which clears the auditorium too fills the bar). As always, the bass is the forgotten hero, Bob Cranshaw modestly belongings everyone together.

Track listing:

1. "Minor League" (Pearson) – 7:05
2. "Ezz-Thetic" (Russell) – 10:41
3. "Grant's Tune" (Grant Green) – 7:01
4. "Solid" (Rollins) – 7:23
5. "The Kicker" (Henderson) – 6:23
6. "Wives too Lovers" (Bacharach, David) – 9:00 Bonus runway on CD reissue, from Matador


Grant Green - guitar
James Spaulding - alto saxophone (tracks 1-5)
Joe Henderson - tenor saxophone (tracks 1-5)
McCoy Tyner - piano
Bob Cranshaw - bass
Elvin Jones - drums
