Tuesday 7 July 2020

For You Lot Carl Filipiak - 2000 Peripheral Vision

Carl Filipiak is an American jazz-rock guitarist in addition to recording creative individual for Art of Life Records. USA. Best known for his jazz-fusion CD's in addition to partnership amongst world-renowned drummer, Dennis Chambers. His critically acclaimed CD's characteristic Miles Davis' alumni Bob Berg in addition to Gary Thomas on sax, Will Calhoun on drums (Living Color), Gary Grainger on bass (John Scofield) in addition to many others. (See http://www.carlfilipiak.com/biography.html) He was included amidst a listing of renowned guitar players in addition to nominated for "New Fusion Blood" inwards Jazziz Magazine. He is an writer of instructional books for Mel Bay Publications in addition to Balafon Books. His 2013 disclose "Live at the Cat's Eye" has reached #1 on both jazz fusion in addition to bebop jazz categories on Amazon MP3 album downloads.

Baltimore guitarist Carl Filipiak records for his ain pocket-size label, Geometric Records, which is belike the argue he’s non amend known exterior the Baltimore-D.C metroplex. Too bad, because the dude tin actually play.

Filipiak’s music is belike also brawny for the smoothen jazz crowd, but hardcore fusion fans should warm upwardly to it instantly. The guitarist displays a Methenyesque sense of tune in addition to improvisation piece infusing his jazz amongst elements of rock, funk, Latin in addition to blues. His latest disclose Peripheral Vision offers textile from all iv of his previous albums, addition 1 novel rail ("Forest Flower").

The presence of Bob Berg in addition to Dennis Chambers helps elevator the recording. Chambers pounds the skins on all xi tracks, piece Berg adds his slithering sax to iii cuts. On approximately tunes, Filipiak shifts dexterously betwixt electrical guitar, acoustic guitar in addition to guitar synth. Besides displaying a keen sense of tune in addition to improvisation, he occasionally cranks upwardly the distortion in addition to rocks out inwards a jazzy fashion reminiscent of Jeff Beck. In fact, his embrace of "Cause We Ended As Lovers" is nearly every bit uplifting every bit Beck’s. Another highlight is the master copy composition "Nuji," a funky fusion-bop piece.

If you’re a fan of lyrical fusion guitar, you lot should definitely banking enterprise gibe out Carl Filipiak.

Whether firing off dazzlingly rapid hard-fusion or waxing rhapsodic through ringing, sweet-toned chords in addition to harmonic touches, guitarist Carl Filipiak constantly challenges the senses on Peripheral Vision (Geometric Records GEO-246; 72:38). The telephone substitution to Filipiak's vision is counterpoint-Caribbean tones run across driving fusion on "Hotel Real," which packs a big, beautiful percussive wallop; in addition to the guitarist's detailed, sharp-cornered licks on "Song for Irene" contrast the piece's quiet, jazz-walk setting for a touching emotional feel. Other highlights include a tight accept on Jimi Hendrix's oft-covered "Little Wing," amongst Dennis Chambers providing a hesitant, distant-feeling drum punch which opens unique spaces for Filipiak to experiment amongst harmonies; in addition to "Forest Flower," amongst its unexpectedly rocking, high-stepping setting, which lends the tune a feeling of resilience.

Peripheral Vision is a compilation of iii previously released discs yesteryear jazz guitarist Carl Filipiak on the Geometric label. Latin, funk, in addition to fusion are mixed amongst jazz on these xi tracks including drummer Dennis Chambers in addition to saxophonist Bob Berg. Along amongst several master copy compositions, Filipiak also pays tribute to his major influences Jimi Hendrix in addition to Jeff Beck. An eight-minute "Little Wing" in addition to Beck's version of Stevie Wonder's "Cause We've Ended As Lovers" are covered.

I conduct maintain all of Carl Filipiak's work, in addition to this CD is a slap-up starting betoken for fans of rock, jazz, or fusion. The musicianship on this album is unsurpassed amongst drumming yesteryear Dennis Chambers on every track, in addition to to a greater extent than importantly Carl's guitar playing which is phenomenal. I highly reccomend this album to anyone interested inwards jazz amongst a slap-up stone border every bit well. Its a must have!  By Dav Mattucci  

Not exclusively is Carl Filipiak an absolutely amazing guitarist, his songwriting skills are top notch. add together to that the fact that he has personally taught simply most every expert guitarist who has come upwardly out of Baltimore inwards recent years. he is a must see alive every bit good - shows are ever spontaneous in addition to engaging... By platypus

This disclose from Geometric Records combines approximately cuts from Baltimore-based guitarist Carl Filipiak's first-class Hotel Reál (reviewed favorably inwards the Sensible Sound upon its disclose several years ago) amongst approximately older cuts, making this something of a Carl Filipiak retrospective release. Filipiak's refer may never hold out a identify word, but his reputation is spreading, based both on his CDs in addition to his alive performances. He is a tasteful performer who does non effort to overwhelm the music he is playing yesteryear engaging inwards virtuosic overkill; still, his technique is formidable, every bit a heed to his version of Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing" readily reveals. He tin also hold out quite lyrical, every bit he shows on his embrace of Stevie Wonder's "'Cause We've Ended every bit Lovers." Peripheral Vision offers a expert overview of the operate of this talented in addition to versatile guitarist; I urge jazz guitar fans to banking enterprise gibe it out. By Karl W. Nehring 

Filipiak's musical fashion tin easily hold out described inwards simply 1 word- killin'. His unique tones in addition to creative runs brand his fashion of playing look inwards a higher identify the label "fusion." Soroka's functioning on sax is outstanding in addition to appropraite, in addition to the purpose of lyricon adds a layer that dives into exciting novel grounds. Dennis Chambers is on burn downwardly every bit he lays downwardly beats that are relaxing every bit a sunset on Malibu, in addition to other times thrilling every bit a triple-crown winning horse. Perhaps if Carl's music becomes to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than recognized inwards years to come, fusion jazz may larn to a greater extent than recognized, piece at the same fourth dimension unspoiled every bit it melts into the mainstream. As 1 of Carl's students, I definetely experience Carl's music should hold out heard at to a greater extent than than an hugger-mugger level. And amongst music becoming ever thus easier to obtain, it almost seems inevitable.    

Track listing:

01    Hotel Real          
02    Mariko          
03    Little Wing          
04    Song for Irene          
05    Right on Time          
06    Blue Entrance          
07    Cause We've Ended every bit Lovers          
08    Two PM          
09    Say You Were          
10    Nuji          
11    Forest Flower


Carl Filipiak (guitar); 
Dave Fairall, Bob Berg (saxophone); 
Paul Soroka (keyboards); 
Dennis Chambers (drums); 
Greg Grainger, Victor Williams (percussion). 
