Tuesday 29 January 2019

For You Lot Billy Cobham - 1974 [2014] Crosswinds

Crosswinds is the 2nd album of fusion drummer Billy Cobham. The album was released inwards 1974. It comprises 4 songs, all composed past times Billy Cobham. It was used every bit the terra firma for the Souls of Mischief's hitting vocal "93 'til Infinity". Wiki

Billy Cobham's 2nd appointment every bit a leader was ane of his improve sessions. Four songs (all originals past times the leader/drummer) contain "Spanish Moss -- Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Sound Portrait," and, inwards addition, Cobham contributed iii other pieces. The selections squad him amongst guitarist John Abercrombie, both of the Brecker Brothers, trombonist Garnett Brown, keyboardist George Duke, bassist John Williams, together with Latin percussionist Lee Pastora. In general, the melodies together with the vamps are reasonably memorable. Cobham also takes an unaccompanied drum solo on "Storm." Worth searching for past times fusion collectors.  All Music

Billy Cobham made this album at a pivotal point. The original Mahavishnu Orchestra had disbanded, John McLaughlin was wallowing, together with jazz purists were showtime to complain well-nigh the stone influence. Billy helped demo a novel direction. Crosswinds opening suite has lush together with sophisticated horn arrangments, soothing a subtly intense rhythm. The final result is similar night, tropical breezes, only every bit he wants to convey. You tin almost require heed the ocean, the music of the wild Caribbean Area (no steel drums of course, only cool). The repose of the album alternates betwixt hot together with cool, amongst unopen to funky fusion together with a beautiful extended piece, Heathers, close the end, featuring a trombone solo that sounds similar the soundtrack to a loving together with relaxing dream. The album is inspired, Billy at his creative best, showing the jazz globe a novel dimension that fusion had non shown before. At 35 minutes it is a footling short, but nosotros create got lineament here, non quantity. This album belongs inwards whatever jazz or fusion collection. By D. M. Paine

"Crosswinds" has been inwards my vinyl collection since 1974, when I foremost picked upward a re-create at King Karol Records on 42nd Street inwards Manhattan. Well, I of late became reacquainted amongst this recording afterward picking upward a CD re-create at a "oh thus trendy" tape shop inwards Haight-Ashburry, San Francisco. As I did then, I played the novel CD over together with over again, completely enraptured past times Cobham's "Ripley's Believe or Not" staccatto drumming together with Lee Pastora's smoking Latin percussion. Joined past times the Brecker Brothers, George Duke, John Abercrombie, Alex Blake, John Williams, Garnett Brown together with other bully luminaries of early on jazz fusion, Cobham together with his willing partners shell together with cast a veritable masterpiece. Drive along Big Sur together with accept inwards the vast together with dramatic California skies together with scarred bluffs together with you'll commence to undertand what hues of emotions this exquisite recording conjures. Crosswinds alternates betwixt adrenaline musical rushes together with absolute sublime chill, creating a perfectly balanced sinuous flow of sound. Simply exquisite!  By Hector Reyes-erazo.

I got this album every bit a gift inwards 1974 when I was nineteen years old. My unsuspecting sis had heard the cite Billy Cobham, but did non realize what a masterpiece she had placed inwards my hands. Although a virtuoso drummer amongst monstrous chops, Billy doesn't allow his virtuosity run away amongst him. Although those looking for impressive drumming volition non live on disapointed. His role of fourth dimension on the the Crosswinds suite, his climactic "Storm" solo the driving halt crusade volition satisfy drummers, air-drummers together with percussion fans. This album exhibits Billy Cobham, composer together with arranger. With a black hues on his palette together with a broad brush, Billy paints us quite a seascape. The "Pleasant Pheasant",one of my favorites, is energetic, driving, exciting together with only a footling flake funky. This features an particular together with rhythmic drum solo. "Heather", what tin I tell well-nigh "Heather", hypnotic, seductive, good paced. It starts every bit a whisper of a siren's vocal together with builds to what to appointment mightiness live on ane of Michael Breckers most beautiful together with haunting solos. This ane is for the headphones, folks. "Heather" is worth the cost of this recording alone. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stellar cast of musicians on this album move inwards concert together with inwards symbiosis to reach ane of the underated recordings inwards the "fusion" era. No pyrothechnics for it's ain sake here. Impressive solo's abound inside the context of the pieces. John Abercrombie, Michael Brecker, Randy Brecker, Garnett Brown, Lee Pastora ...etc., a dream squad of musicians. This album should never create got been gone this long from the CD shelves/racks/bins of music outlets. Few of Billy's recording stair out upward to this ane inwards my opinion. By ND.NY 

Tracks Listing:

Spanish Moss - "A Sound Portrait":
1. a. Castilian Moss (4:11)
2. b. Savannah the Serene (5:14)
3. c. Storm (2:52)
4. d. Flash Flood (5:08)
5. Pleasant Pheasant (5:21)
6. Heather (8:40)
7. Crosswind (3:42)

Total Running Time: (35:08)

Line-up / Musicians

- Billy Cobham/ drums, percussion.
- John Williams/ guitar (acoustic), bass (acoustic), bass (electric).
- Randy Brecker/ trumpet.
- Garnett Brown/ trombone.
- John Abercrombie/ guitars.
- George Duke/ keyboards, vocals.
- Lee Pastora / percussions 
